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Ministry schedule & alll the excitement.

Writer's picture: Megan GreenwaldMegan Greenwald

I feel like I’ve been waiting on this to come for-literally-ever.. and it’s still not here lol. 

I’ve got 41 more days in good ‘ole LC to be exact. One month, 10 days and a few hours until I’m off to Gainesville, Georgia for a quick training camp and then I’ll be hopping on a plane to do this thing!!! 

This has been a pretty lengthy process for me so far, from applying for Gap Year, being accepted, working out a few kinks, switching over to Semesters, being FULLY FUNDED, to finally now getting to know how my squad is going to be split and where we have been given the opportunity to serve, I think it’s been close to a year in the waiting. and I’m not the most patient person you’ll ever meet. One thing that I am seeing now that I am able to look back at the journey so far in just getting prepared to go, is the Lord’s faithfulness. He’s SO dang faithful. 

One of my favorite things is watching all of the specifics that the Lord has spoken over my life come to pass (some that I’m even just realizing), because when He first speaks it sounds like a crazy dream that could never be my reality! World Race??? Guatemala??? ALONE (well, without anyone I know)??? BUT all in His perfect timing, He causes every word He speaks to come to pass. He is faithful to keep every promise He has made. He really does make a way when there is no way! 

& I’m just glad that I get to sit back, enjoy the ride and take in the view!!

I promised more details on our ministry assignments when we got them, and they’re (finally!! (I’m sooo excited!!!)) here!! Below are the ministries my squad and/or team will be working with!!


FIRST 3 WEEKS: All squad

Ministry Name: CICRIN Orphange!!

Location: Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

Vision: Provide a home of Christian love and support to the neediest children of Ometepe, an isolated island community, giving proper clothing, food, education, and living care. Offers a safe environment, vocational paths and an exit strategy to become a contributing member of Nicaraguan society. 

Ministry may include:

– working with Christian school

– serving in cafeteria

– kids programs 

– house visits

– prayer walks

SECOND 3 WEEKS: TEAM 2 (My team)

From this point on, our squad will be split into two smaller teams of eight to nine Racers, and a team leader, with each team being in a different location working with separate ministries.

Ministry name for team 2: Light & Salt Ministries 

Location: Ciudad Dario

Vision: Disciple, train and empower Nicaraguans to break their cycles of mental, spiritual, and physical poverty. Provoke a reform in Nicaragua through Christian education and poverty relief. 

Ministry may include:

Working with the all boys school (L&S’s main ministry focus), taking part in trade classes, sewing with ladies or working in the Mercy in Action program. The team may also be involved in evangelism efforts to the poor, admin. projects and/or manual labor.


LAST 6 WEEKS: TEAM 2 (My team)

okay okay, disclaimer: I am SOO exited about my time in Guatemala!! The ministry we just found out we will be working with is a discipleship training school that I have previously looked into and considered. Several people have even been telling me along this journey that I should do something with this organization, but I never took it much beyond consideration because of already doing the Race. anddd then without even knowing that the World Race had affiliations with this organization… there goes the Lord giving me the best of both worlds haha!

The ministry for my time in Guate is…. YWAM!!!! 

For those of you who don’t know what the heck that is, YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission. YWAM has a vision to raise up young leaders with Biblical principles who will transform nations. They are committed to:

– Evangelism, Training and Mercy Ministries

– Support the local church and influence young Christians of this nation in order to train, equip and send them to the world 

– Influencing spheres of society to bring the nation biblical transformation in all areas and structures. 

Location: YWAM Guatemala City, Guatemala 

Ministry Schedule:

Each morning we will either have a team devotional or will sit in on YWAM’s Discipleship Training School (DTS) class, followed by prayer walking or bible distribution and then lunch. Afternoons will include doing chores around the DTS base and visiting the local daycare for kids ministry. Days will typically be wrapped up with dinner and “team time” with the team. 

Knowing these specifics has me literally s c r e a m i n g with excitement!! has me cracking open my high school Spanish textbook and trying to reteach myself every spare minute I’ve got lol!! 

En Cristo, con todo mi amor, 

Meg <3

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