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When and where I'm REALLY supposed to be.

Writer's picture: Megan GreenwaldMegan Greenwald

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on where we are at with the Race, so I figured I’d write to fill you all in, as well as share a few things the Lord’s been teaching me during this time of immense change. 

World Race: Gap Year was a d r e a m, man. I was so excited for what I expected the next almost year of my life to look like. I heard the Lord say “World Race”, and I assumed that meant right now! So, I signed up for Gap Year, a 9 month trip leaving in just 7 weeks (which I would be in no way, shape, or form prepared for, btw). 

I am learning, the hard way – that is, but learning nevertheless, that it is just as important to know the TIMING of God,  as it is to know the words of God. When we know WHAT God said, but lose focus of, or neglect to even attempt to figure out, WHEN He said to do it, a couple of things can happen. The first is that we may try to jump the gun and help God out (guilty), which results in struggle after struggle. While everyone up until this point has been incredibly supportive of this journey so far, I still found myself constantly worrying, as I was struggling (told ya, struggle after struggle) to come up with the funds to be able to go. (NEWS FLASH!!! I could never pave the way to make it to Gap Year on my own, but I sure was mixing the cement and attempting to do so!) Not only do you (and by “you”, I mean “me” lol) sign up for a load of problems when you try to walk in the promises of God while skipping over the process of God, but you’re (again, “me”) also likely to mess the w h o l e e hecking thing up in the meantime. Ya see, something that I have failed to mention up until this point for the most part, simply because I was so sure of my own plan, was that just as clear as I heard the Lord tell me “World Race”, I heard Him speak Guatemala into my heart. Howeverrrr, I was so excited to get the ball rolling, that I was willing to forget about the whole other half of the promise, just so that I could go NOW! I was told both “World Race” and “Guatemala”, but I didn’t want to wait around for a World Race trip that went to Guate, so I tried to throw Guatemala out of the trip, as well as my heart altogether. But How many of ya know that partial obedience is stillll disobedience?? Amen???

The World Race offers a semesters trip to (guess where?!?) GUATEMALA and Nicaragua that lasts 3 months, leaving the end of January and returning at the end of April 2020, and this is where I will be serving (yay!!!). 

9 months sounded like a good time, but the best time is being wherever the heck God wants ya, and as I’ve recently learned, WHENEVER the heck He wants ya there, amirite? :)))

andddd that whole “process of God” thing is important, too. We sing songs about how “He’s in the waiting”, and then live our lives like the waiting is some mundane thing, always anticipating what’s to come, missing out on all that He desires for us right this very minute. We have to stop it!! He IS in the waiting. He’s in the right here, right now. He wants to grow me NOW. He wants to use me NOW. He wants to love me NOW. and He wants to do all of that for you who’s reading this, too. But we’ve gotta let him. 

So yes, I have some time now before I leave. Some time to rest, some time to just be. Be who I am, Be where I am, but most importantly Become more of who He has created me to be. Pastor said there’s a process to prepare us for every promise, and now, after a couple of lessons from the Promise Keeper, I couldn’t agree more. 

New, shorter route means new, smaller goal. My new cost of the trip is $4,900.00 which means I am just under being 50% fully funded (praise Jesus!!!!). I want to thank you all for your support, whether that be prayerfully or financially, and for sticking around while I figure this whole thing out! :)

I will try to update you all with details of this trip as I find them out, along with additional ways you can help me get to Guate and Nicaragua, but for now I’m calling all prayer warriors (whoop whoop!!), as I have a couple of prayer requests: 

– SQUAD Y – This squad consists of all of the precious friends I made while I was planning on doing Gap Year. This trip was NOT cancelled, I simply realized where the Lord wanted me and switched trips. This means that Squad Y is still leaving in 7 weeks for their 9 month journey to Thailand, India, and Costa Rica, and I know that they would appreciate your prayers as they will be heading out into the unknown to do Kingdom work! 

– Funds – While I am blown away at the support I’ve received, I still have just over $2500 to come up with to cover the cost of the trip, not including outside expenses that I will have. I ask that you would pray over the finances associated with this trip. 

– Myself – Please please pray for continued growth as I step into this new season of intentionally seeking the Lord as He prepares me to head out in January. (Also, first round of shots for the Race are coming up THIS WEEKEND!!! and if you know me even a little, you know that is my biggest fear. so idek what exactly to pray for concerning that, maybe we should just be praying for the doctors giving them to me.)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

With love,


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